
Where Does The Jack Go On A Car When You Are Changing The Belt

Unit of measurement fifty- Part A

galka.jpg Practice you know where … ? /I don't know why … / Could you tell me what … ? etc.
When the question ( Where has Tom gone?) is part of a longer sentence ( Practise you know … ? / I don't know … / Can y'all tell me … ? etc.), the give-and-take lodge changes. We say:
   What time is it? only
   Who are those people?
   Where can I find Linda?
    How much will it price?
Practise you know what time it is?
I don't know who those people are.
Tin can you tell me where I can notice Linda?
Do you have any idea how much information technology will price?

Be careful with
do/does/did questions. We say:
    What time does the film begin? merely

    What exercise you mean?
    Why did she leave early?

Exercise you know what rime the film begins?
(not does the picture begin)
Please explain what yous hateful.
I wonder why she left early.

Use if or whether where there is no other question word
( what, why etc.):
    Did anybody run across you lot? but Exercise y'all know if everyone saw you?
or whether anybody saw you?

Unit l- Role B


{slide=1 Brand a new sentence from the question in brackets.}flag.jpg Make a new sentence from the question in brackets.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}ii    Could you tell me where the post office is?
3    I wonder what the fourth dimension is.
4    I desire to know what this word means.
5    Do you know what time they left?
6    I don't know if/whether Sue is going out tonight.
seven    Exercise you lot have any idea where Caroline lives?
8    I can't remember where I parked the car.
9    Can you tell me if/whether in that location is a banking company almost hither?
10  Tell me what you desire.
xi  I don't know why Kate didn't come to the party.
12  Practice yous know how much it costs to park hither?
13  I have no idea who that adult female is.
xiv  Do you lot know if/whether Liz got my letter of the alphabet?
15  Can you tell me how far information technology is to the airport?{end-tooltip}

1    (Where has Tom gone?)
Do yous know    where Tom has gone?
2    (Where is the postal service office?)
Could you tell me where ______________________
3    (What's the time?)
I wonder ______________________
iv    (What does this word mean?)
I desire to know ______________________
5    (What fourth dimension did they leave?)
Practice y'all know ______________________
6    (Is Sue going out tonight?)
I don't know ______________________
7    (Where does Caroline live?)
Practise you have whatsoever thought ______________________
viii    (Where did I park the auto?)
I tin can't retrieve ______________________
ix    (Is there a bank near here?)
Tin can you tell me ______________________
ten  (What practice yous want?)
Tell me ______________________
11  (Why didn't Kate come up to the political party?)
I don't know ______________________
12  (How much does it cost to park hither?)
Do yous know ______________________
13  (Who is that woman?)
I have no idea ______________________
14  (Did Liz become my letter of the alphabet?)
Practice you know ______________________
15  (How far is it to the airport?)
Can you tell me ______________________ {/slide} {slide=2 Complete the conversation.}flag.jpg You are making a telephone call. You want to speak to Sue, simply she isn't there. Somebody else answers the telephone. You lot want to know three things:
(1) Where has she gone? (ii) When will she exist back? and (iii) Did she become out alone? Complete the chat:

{tooltip}Central.{finish-link}one    Practise you know where she has gone?
2    I don't suppose you know when she'll be back / she volition exist dorsum.
3    Practice you happen to know it/whether she went out solitary?{finish-tooltip}
A: Do you lot know where _____________________? (i)
B: Sorry, I've got no idea.
A: Never heed. I don't suppose y'all know _____________________. (2)
B: No, I'g agape non.
A: I more affair. Do you happen to know _____________________? (3)
B: I'yard afraid I didn't see her go out.
A: OK. Well, thank you anyway. Goodbye. {/slide} {slide=3 Tony asks you a lot of questions.}flag.jpg You have been away for a while and have just come up back to your domicile boondocks. You come across Tony, a friend of yours. He asks you a lot of questions:
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}two    He asked me where I'd been. / … where I had been.
3    He asked me how long I'd been back. / … how long I had been back.
4    He asked me what I was doing now.
five    He asked me why I'd come up back. / … why I had come back, or … why I came dorsum.
6    He asked me where I was living.
vii    He asked me if/whether I was glad to be dorsum.
8    He asked me if/whether I had any plans to go away once more.
ix    He asked me if/whether I could lend him some money.{end-tooltip}


Now you tell another friend what Tony asked yous. Employ reported speech.
1 He asked me how I was.
2    He asked me ______________________
3    He ________________________________
4    ___________________________________
six    ___________________________________
7    ___________________________________
8    ___________________________________
nine    ___________________________________ {/slide}

Жилые комплексы с единой концепцией развития окружающей территории, своей инфрастуктурой, однородной социальной средой всегда приквлекают внимание желающих приобрести жилье. Приобретая квартиру в жилом комплексе Гранатный 6, вы приобретаете соответствующее качество жизни, и максимум комфорта.


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